Configuration Parameters
Configuration parameters are parameters used to initialize a query extension prior to any other interaction. This is typically used to select a table, entity, function or stored procedure from a list, which is then investigated to provide metadata and parameters.
While configuration parameters are very similar to query parameters, supporting different data types, domains, multi-select etc., there are some notable differences:
- Configuration parameters are always mandatory.
- Parameter operators are not supported.
- Configuration parameters cannot be linked to runtime parameters or Excel cells.
Enable the Configuration Parameters feature
To enable the Configuration Parameters feature, configure it in the extension .pyplugin or .netplugin header file:
Configuration parameters are only supported for query extensions.
Implement the Configuration Parameters feature
A query extension requires configuration parameters by implementing the GetConfigurationParameters()
def GetConfigurationParameters(self):
config = list()
rateTypes = list()
rateTypes.append(DomainItem(Value(DataType.string, "FX-RATE"), "FX-RATE"))
rateTypes.append(DomainItem(Value(DataType.string, "FX-VOLATILITY"), "FX-VOLATILITY"))
rateTypes.append(DomainItem(Value(DataType.string, "IR-RATE"), "IR-RATE"))
rateTypes.append(DomainItem(Value(DataType.string, "IR-VOLATILITY"), "IR-VOLATILITY"))
config.append(Parameter("rate_types", "Rate Types", DataType.string, None, rateTypes, True, "Select the rate types you want to query", True))
return config
protected override List<Plugin_Parameter> GetConfigurationParametersImpl()
var configParams = new List<Plugin_Parameter>
new Plugin_Parameter
Name = "rate_types",
Description = "Rate Types",
Type = Plugin_DataType.STRING,
Mandatory = true,
MultiSelect = true,
Domain = new List<Plugin_DomainItem>
new Plugin_DomainItem { ValueMember = new Plugin_Value("FX-RATE"), DisplayMember = "FX-RATE" },
new Plugin_DomainItem { ValueMember = new Plugin_Value("FX-VOLATILITY"), DisplayMember = "FX-VOLATILITY" },
new Plugin_DomainItem { ValueMember = new Plugin_Value("IR-RATE"), DisplayMember = "IR-RATE" },
new Plugin_DomainItem { ValueMember = new Plugin_Value("IR-VOLATILITY"), DisplayMember = "IR-VOLATILITY" },
return configParams;
follows the same pattern as GetParameters()
, returning a list of Parameter
Change the GetParameters()
implementation to accept an argument.
def GetParameters(self, configArgs):
# Create a reader for the configuration parameters
confReader = ArgumentReader(configArgs)
# Read the rate_types parameter. This is a multi-select parameter,
# so the user can select more than one type.
typeParam = confReader.GetArgument("rate_types").Value
rateTypes = list(typeParam.split(","))
protected override List<Plugin_Parameter> GetParametersImpl(List<Plugin_Argument> ConfigArgs)
var config = ConfigArgs.ToDictionary((p) => p.ParameterName);
var rateTypes = (config["rate_types"].Value as string).Split(',');
Configuration parameters are supplied to the GetMetadata()
and ExecuteQuery()
methods together with the query parameters.
def ExecuteQuery(self, arguments, columnSchema):
# Create a reader for the arguments.
# This includes also Configuration Parameters.
argReader = ArgumentReader(arguments)
# Preview count can be read from the ArgumentReader
# If this value is None, it is a full execution
previewCount = argReader.PreviewCount
# Configuration parameters are supplied together with query parameters,
# and can be read using the same argument reader.
rateTypes = list(argReader.GetArgument("rate_types").Value.split(","))
protected override Plugin_QueryResult ExecuteQueryImpl(List<Plugin_Argument> Parameters, Plugin_ColumnSchema ColumnSchema)
var paramLookup = Parameters.ToDictionary((x) => x.ParameterName);
var rateTypes = (paramLookup["rate_types"].Value as string).Split(',');
Since configuration parameters and query parameters are supplied to
in the same collection, you need to make sure the parameter names are unique. A configuration parameter and a query parameter cannot have the same name.
Updated 11 months ago