Report Generator

The Report Generator source is used when you want to run Wallstreet Suite report layouts and types through OmniFi. From this source you can fetch a variety of different types of data such as static data, transaction and cashflows, key-figures, logs and accounting data. Any layout or type can be executed through OmniFi and you will receive the same columns, groups & data as you would in the Report Generator.

To create a new Report Generator Query in the Query Configuration Wizard, follow these steps:

Step 1: Select Query Type

Select the Report Generator query type from the list of data sources and optionally specify a name and output destination in the the top half of the Options page.

Step 2: Select a Layout or Type

In the second step you will select a Wallstreet Suite layout or type file. You can either select the layout from the explorer window in OmniFi or type in the path in the text box in the bottom.


Select any layout or type used in the Report Generator



OmniFi configuration points to a standard report directory which becomes the root path for window where one selects a type/report layout. For a one-off report layout that's not present in this directory you can also specify the path manually as an UNC-path, e.g. \\servername\share\report_layouts\Transactions.fkr

You can also parameterize the report path which can be useful when building automated test cases.

Result Formats

OmniFi can instruct Wallstreet Suite to run its reports and return data in multiple formats. The default behavior of OmniFi is to use the format XML3 (Numeric) which in the vast majority of cases is the optimal and preferred format.

There are however other formats available for edge cases, such as if size of the report is very large. The formats differ in the way that data is interpreted in OmniFi in the end, some formats only provide OmniFi with text data while others provide OmniFi with typed (e.g. Dates, Numbers) data.

Having properly typed data is better as it means you can perform operations on it (for example add a day to a date or divide a number). The various formats and their supported types are as follows:

FormatStringNumericDateBooleanHigh Volume
Standard CSV

*Default and recommended

Step 3: Configure Parameters

After selecting the type or layout then you will need to fill in the same parameters as you would in Wallstreet Suite. Mandatory parameters are highlighted in red while optional ones are in black.


Available parameters are specific to the selected type. In this case a Cashflow Report

Step 4: Finalizing the Query

Choose Save to save the query without running it, or Save & Run to save and execute the query. If query output is defined then you will see your output in Excel.


High Volume

For reports that are very large (generally 50,000 rows or more) then it can be beneficial to run them with the Standard CSV (String) format. This can make the report run faster in OmniFi and it can also alleviate potential memory issues.

The Standard CSV format forces all columns to be typed as String which makes the report data more difficult to work with in later stages however, so it is not advised to use this mode unless there is a distinct need.